Environmental Remedies Blog

What Happens If You Don’t Regularly Clean Out Your Commercial Kitchen’s Grease Trap

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining a commercial kitchen beyond serving food. Some of the most important steps in commercial kitchen upkeep are behind the scenes and below our line of sight. It’s logical that restaurants produce lots of grease throughout the business day and grease traps help keep this grease from causing major problems. But what happens when a grease trap hasn’t been cleaned or pumped in awhile? Well, all sorts of problems arise— some more dangerous than others. 

Common Problems That Occur When a Grease Trap is Overdue for Cleaning


The olfactory nerves are some of the strongest senses we have. What happens when we’re hit with a smell that’s rather…. unpleasant? Well, if you’re a restaurant owner, that means you lose customers. If a grease trap is not regularly cleaned and pumped, a  build-up of grease within the internal system can cause an unappetizing odor to seep out into the restaurant. If the grease trap is located outside and it’s overdue for a cleaning, you’ve potentially lost customers before they even walked through the door. Don’t let the sulfuric stench of grease buildup make its way to the street and take money out of your pocket. 



Besides the unappetizing taste, buildup can cause more issues within the internal grease trap system. The incoming line could become clogged, causing water backup in the main line that typically moves through the grease trap. A clog in the outgoing line could occur as well if your restaurant’s grease trap is not being pumped or cleaned regularly. The danger of this is a potential overflow in both the compartment where the grease and water are separated and where wastewater filters into sewers. The real problem lies if the grease trap is completely full— the first compartment will fill and cause a backup, generating a backup in the second chamber, incoming, and outgoing lines as well. A good way to measure when to clean your grease trap to avoid clogging is if the solids and grease make up 25% of the wastewater depth. 


Improper Grease Trap Flow Restrictor

The flow restrictor inside a grease trap does what its name says. It restricts the amount of water flowing into the trap while allowing the air to enter the pipe which avoids an overflow. This is an essential part of the grease trap; if the water flows too quickly, it could deluge the trap and grease will escape. Don’t wait on getting the grease trap cleaned out, as a severe blockage will block the air vent as grease builds up. 

A good way to ensure your restrictor fits the grease trap? The restrictor should be equal to the size of the drain pipe to provide a more extensive air vent. Don’t cheap out on plastic restrictors either, as these are not heavy-duty enough for a food service establishment and can deteriorate quickly. Always make sure to purchase a steel restrictor. 


Higher City Payments 

As restaurants and other establishments with commercial kitchens dispense a majority of the FOG (fat, oils, and grease) into city sewer lines, you might be hit with a large bill from the local government if you’ve waited too long to clean and pump your grease trap. A backed up grease trap means an ineffective grease trap, which you’ll be footing a higher charge to help city cleaning costs. Avoid unnecessary fees by scheduling a regular maintenance for your grease trap. 

Larger Problems That Can Arise If Your Grease Trap is Overdue For Cleaning 


The last thing you want as a restaurant owner is for your customer to fall ill because of something he or she consumed in your restaurant. Dirty grease traps release hazardous fumes that customers and employees alike inhale, while overflowing wastewater can contaminate your restaurant’s source of water. This could cause the drinking water and the cooking water to co-mingle in a customer’s drink. 



Not only are the fumes harmful to the people inside the building, but a dirty grease trap can make the workplace dangerous for its employees. When grease starts to make its way to different aspects of the restaurant, trouble will follow. Greasy floors, which employees walk at a fast pace across throughout the day, could lead to a personal injury lawsuit if a worker slips and seriously injures themselves. Rest assured this lawsuit would cost way more than the maintenance cost of cleaning and pumping your grease trap. 


Think Long-Term For Your Atlanta-Area Grease Trap Cleaning

Both smaller and larger problems with your grease trap can mean major issues for your business later on. By scheduling a regular cleaning and pumping, you can avoid these hazardous or costly consequences. Environmental Remedies caters to businesses across the Atlanta area to ensure your grease traps are clean and get the job done. Call today to schedule an appointment.