Environmental Remedies Blog

Repurposing a Room at Your Plant? Follow These Tips

It’s a common situation: you have a room or area in your plant that’s no longer used for its previous purpose, and you want to make good use of that real estate. Before you start moving equipment or supplies in and out, take stock of the site. Depending on your plans for the room, you’ll want to carry out the conversion in the most practical way.

For any space you want to revamp, consider these basic questions:

  • What’s its past or present use?
  • What are your plans for its future use?
  • What’s in the room right now?
  • What contents or equipment do you plan to reuse?
  • What do you plan to get rid of?
  • What needs to be cleaned?

Suppose you have a storage space that’s collected drums of old chemical materials, equipment, and cleaning supplies over the years. You plan to convert the room into a washroom. Since you’re revamping the area for a completely different purpose, you’ll need to clear out everything and start from zero. And you’ll want to make certain you’re proceeding in a safe and compliant manner.

First off, identify all the contents in the room. For each specific chemical, consult its SDS to ensure proper handling. You’ll need to make a plan for other storage or removal and disposal. Perhaps you want to get rid of the old chemicals, and then keep the drums for another use. Not only will you need to arrange to dispose of the drum contents, but you’ll also need to have the drums thoroughly cleaned for their new application.

What about those cleaning supplies? If they’re still usable, they’ll need to be relocated to another space. Again, consult the applicable SDSs to be sure of the safest storage spot for them, and check that their labels are legible and up to date. On the other hand, if they are no longer serviceable, then properly discard them.

Evaluate the equipment in the room. Can you use any of it? Is it in good working order? Does it need to be cleaned? Or do you need to make plans to have it removed?

Once you’ve addressed the room’s contents and moved everything out, you’ll need to have the space thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any residues and to ready the room for its new use. Walls should be wiped down from top to bottom, floors should be sanitary, and any remaining fittings, etc., should also be cleaned professionally to ensure a safe remodel. Why? You don’t want to take the chance of having a chemical reaction between any old material and new materials. This could be dangerous for employees. And why move new equipment or fixtures into a dirty room? A clean, clear space ensures a more successful remodel.

When you’re planning to repurpose a room in your plant, it makes the most sense to work with a well-qualified service provider. Not only can they help you with waste treatment and disposal, they can also provide any required cleaning to prepare the room for its new function. Environmental Remedies has the experience and expertise you can count on. Give us a call at 800-399-2783.