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The Importance of Oil-Water Separators for Sustainable Waste Management

If you are in an industry that deals with wastewater and you’re looking to be more efficient with your disposal methods, then read on. This article will help convince you that Oil-Water Separators for waste management will improve wastewater efficiency and lower the cost of your overall business operations. 

Let’s explore the world of modern mechanics and find out why Oil-Water Separators help industries save costs, improve equipment longevity, and reduce wastewater. 

The Role of Oil-Water Separators in Wastewater Management

Oil-Water Separators are flow-through devices employed in the majority of industries to separate oil from water waste. They are an important component of wastewater treatment and are utilized by oil-producing industries on a large scale for releasing water waste into the environment safely.

The separators use gravity and filtration to achieve this separation. Once the two materials are separated, the oil can be disposed of separately so that it will not cause environmental pollution.

Indeed, oil-contaminated water can cause tremendous damage to the aquatic ecosystem and to prevent such environmental devastation, EPA and other regulatory agencies force industries to properly treat their wastewater before discharging it.

Key Benefits of Oil-Water Separators for Waste Management

1. Environmental Compliance

By applying Oil-Water Separators for waste management, industries can prevent oil contamination of the ecosystem and avoid heavy fines from environmental regulators like the EPA. In essence, Oil-Water Separators can help industries save money on legal fees and protect their reputation as environmentally responsible. 

2. Lower Costs of Wastewater Treatment

Companies can also reduce their processing costs by removing oil before wastewater is funneled to treatment facilities. Having cleaner wastewater means enduring less strain on the water systems and operational equipment, which matters cost-wise over time. 

3. Equipment Longevity

Without Oil-Water Separators at hand as efficient helpers, oil can easily settle in equipment and industrial machinery due to repeated replacements and unexpected shutdowns. By investing in Oil-Water Separators, companies can benefit greatly from extended longevity of their equipment.

4. Reduction in Water Waste

Wastewater treatment with Oil-Water Separators increases the effectiveness of waste management by reducing the use of water. Indeed, companies can maintain their commitment to sustainability by applying Oil-Water Separators and other innovative waste management technology.

5. Safer Work Environment

Oil-Water Separators also benefit employees’ safety and health of employees by reducing workplace injuries. By managing the oil waste, companies can help keep the employees’ safety a top priority and reduce the risks posed by slippery floors and fires.

Common Types of Oil-Water Separators 

types of oil water separators

Depending on the amount of oil produced by the industry and the nature of its operations, there are a variety of Oil-Water Separators available on the market. Let’s look at the nature and advantages of the most frequently used types. 

1. Gravity-Based Separators

Gravity-based separators rely on the chemical differences and densities of oil and water to allow for the natural separation of the two liquids. They are often stored in large tanks and rely on the passing of time for heavier solids to settle to the bottom of the tanks. These Oil-Water Separators are often used in industrial plants, refineries, and storm water management systems.

2. Coalescing Plate Separators

Coalescing Oil-Water Separators use angled plates or mesh media to coalesce smaller oil droplets into larger ones, making it easier for them to rise to the surface and be removed. These Oil-Water Separators are mostly used in automotive shops, manufacturing plants, and food processing industries. 

3. Hydrocyclone Separators

  • Hydrocyclone separators are probably the most complex and elaborate on this list. These Oil-Water Separators use centrifugal force to separate the oil from wastewater. The machinery spins at high speed and pushes heavier water molecules to the edges while the oil moves to the center for collection. 
  • This is the perfect solution for industries that deal with high quantities of oily wastewater such as offshore drilling, refineries, and mining. 

4. Activated Carbon Filters

  • Activated carbon filters are the most effective as oil-water separators. The filters work through the process of adsorption, where oil molecules and other impurities are attracted to and absorbed by the activated charcoal. 
  • This oil-water separator technique is used in industries that require extremely clean wastewater output, particularly pharmaceutical production, food processing, and wastewater treatment plants. 

Proper Maintenance of Oil-Water Separators for Optimal Performance

Regular inspections and cleaning of the separators will help offset clogging, sludge formation, and wear-and-tear that could compromise the oil and water separation efficiency. 

These checkups include tracking oil accumulation, verifying the proper function of the filters, and removing any obstructions to the flow of the separators.

Recording these inspections and maintenance checks accurately also facilitates the monitoring of system performance which could identify potential issues before they become critical problems. 

Maintenance is not only effective in catching issues before they become big problems but is also truly cost-effective by minimizing production or operation downtime that could lead to losses.

The solution is to turn to experts who can help you keep your Oil-Water Separators in tip-top shape! Industrial waste management companies like Environmental Remedies most likely offer industrial cleaning services that will help you clean the machinery and even process your wastewater.

Are There Limitations to Oil-Water Separators for Waste Management?

Despite their helpful nature, Oil-Water Separators are not a perfect waste management solution. Let’s look into a few drawbacks and how you can work around them. 

  • Limited Efficiency for Emulsified OilsOil-Water Separators are designed to separate free-floating oils but are not too efficient at removing emulsified or dissolved oils without additional treatment. 
  • Temperature Sensitivity – Cold temperature has the impact of increasing oil viscosity, making the oil too viscous and diminishing its separation capacity. This is why operating your oil separator at higher temperatures will help the process be more effective.
  • Each Oil-Water Separator System is Different Each oil-water separator is designed for a specific industry need. For example, in certain designs, the rate of flow or the amount of oil may overwhelm the system, leading to inefficient wastewater treatment.

Oil-Water Separator Cleaning Services

If you’re looking to include Oil-Water Separators as part of your waste management protocol, we’ve got you covered! At Environmental Remedies, our wastewater treatment process includes advanced biological and chemical processing that pretreats wastewater before discharge.

We also offer oil-water separator cleaning services that will help you achieve your operational and compliance goals. If you operate in the Atlanta area, give us a call, and we’ll make sure you are set for success!