Environmental Remedies Blog

Get Your Facility Back on Track in 2018

Consider this a judgment-free zone and admit it: When it comes to your facility, you’ve postponed a few things. Maybe in the past you’d planned to get going with a preventive maintenance program and never got around to it.

We get it. Everyday operations tend to take precedence. And it takes effort to take care of details that fall outside of your usual work. But maintenance, audits, and cleaning can really botch things up when we ignore them.

Why not take control and get back on track? Here’s a checklist to help you get started:

Update Your Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

For each chemical material you use at your plant, you need to have an accurate SDS from the supplier. Review each SDS carefully. Are there any requirements for reporting your usage to the EPA, OSHA, or any local, state, or federal agency? Does the chemical present any hazards, such as fire or gas (in other words, a chemical reaction) when mixed with anything?

Update Your Material Profile Sheets for Your Waste Services Provider

Do you know for sure what’s in your wastewater? You should. As far as the government’s concerned, you are ultimately responsible for your waste. Environmental Remedies offers a Material Profile Sheet (MPS) on our website as a tool for you to review and carefully designate your non-hazardous waste materials.

Conduct Necessary Audits

When’s the last time you conducted an internal audit? Or audited your service providers? In our article, “Conducting an Audit Brings Peace of Mind and Reduces the Risk of Violations,” we discuss performing an audit on your waste services provider, and you can use this with other suppliers as well as your own facility.

Schedule a Major Cleaning

If you haven’t invested in a proper, professional industrial cleaning, it’s time. Dirty plants are inefficient and dangerous for employees and equipment, and can also result in regulatory issues like warnings, citations, and fines.

Set Up a Routine Maintenance Program

By scheduling regular services for your facility, you’ll help ensure your operations run smoothly and efficiently. And with a regular program, you don’t have to spend time and energy on it again. You can focus on your business instead.

Environmental Remedies can help get your facility back on track, and we can help you stay compliant with waste issues. Give us a call at 800-399-2783 and find out how you can Be Clean in 2018.