Environmental Remedies Blog

Is Your Current Waste Management Program the Best Fit for Your Waste?

In last month’s article, When’s the Last Time You Thought About Your Waste?, we asked you to assess a few considerations about your facility’s waste, specifically: what, exactly, is in it; how much you generate; and how you contain and transport your waste. The point is to get you thinking about your current waste management program to determine if it still makes the most sense for your business and if it’s fully compliant with federal, state, and municipal regulations. This month, we’ll explore other aspects of waste management.

Just to make sure we’re on the same page, let’s review the difference between waste treatment and waste disposal. According to the EPA, waste treatment is “any process that changes the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a waste to minimize its threat to the environment.” Waste disposal is “the placement of waste into or on the land,” commonly in land disposal units such as landfills, surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatment units, or injection wells.

With that distinction in mind, consider where you treat and/or dispose of your waste. Perhaps you utilize an onsite system. Or maybe you dispose of your waste in an offsite location that you own. Or you might use the services of a waste management professional, such as Environmental Remedies. If you use a competent and reliable treatment facility, their personnel will review samples, profiles, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) relative to your waste in order to ensure proper handling and treatment for your specific material.

Whether you dispose of your waste or utilize a waste management professional, we suggest you conduct an internal audit to make sure this is still a good choice for your waste. Why? If you’ve changed processes or if you now use different chemical formulations in your operations, for example, your waste stream may have changed. What was once a practical waste management solution may no longer be viable. In fact, it might be illegal.

An internal audit can also help you to determine if your present waste management methods could be improved. Waste management technologies are constantly developing. Your state-of-the-art plan from a few years ago may be outmoded today. New advancements could give you some better alternatives.

To help you plan and conduct an internal audit, read our article, Conducting an Audit Brings Peace of Mind and Reduces the Risk of Violations. While the article centers on auditing your waste services provider, you can use the information to perform an audit of your own facility.

We know that waste management isn’t likely to be top of mind with you like it is with us. But best practices for your business are a top priority for you. So making certain that your waste management program makes the most sense from both a business and a regulatory standpoint is in your best interest.

At Environmental Remedies, we understand waste management, and we have solutions for you. Call us at 800-399-2783 or visit our website. We want you to Be Clean.